There are not enough people so arrogant as to persons for whom English is their native language. This is not a reference to people from England or the United Kingdom, at least not exclusively. This applies to all people of native English speakers around the world, the United States, Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, expats and tourists around the world are all SOB. Just ask anyone who do not speak English as their first language. A tourist says, the English language, is weeks in the travel industryterrible conditions, rain, wind, snow flurries alternating with heat, so that ends so badly, you begin to vomit, their internal organs. Yet continue to persevere without complaint, until you can reach the ends of the earth and a village. But it should be noted that not a single person in this village speak English you think the world would come to an end would be. "What do not you think that you speak English?" They will cry, scream, because the increaseProbability of understanding, we all know. "English is the international language of communication, everyone knows at least a little 'of English." This is accompanied by some gestures emphatic and vague, but some may vomit, but will not be able to forward the message to his aid. "For (the content has been censored) well, I just went and landed in the censored () Hole In The World." And the villagers affected and help visitors learn from and somePidgeon English, and is the basic communication and tourists will be happy, because he or she has brought the ignorant masses.
Then there are English speakers to take pride in their language skills and any prospect of being killed, as many languages as possible. Your assumption is that they can speak a foreign language much better than the foreigners will be able to speak English. As a foreigner, of course, struggling withall foreigners. This is a strange kind of logic, but it makes sense for them. This is a special kind of arrogance. Do not want to meet all their standards. Rather, I am of opinion that lead to save the embarrassment of her, even trying to, and so in their infinite superiority are responsible downstairs, and communication in other languages. E 'as charity work, the unpleasant, but you have to do it.
So, what to do withthese arrogant as English as mother tongue? Cyanides. I hope not, as some of us will try to swim in progress. We are not perfect and often get caught and pulled back with the other. But it is not our fault that English is inherently snobbish, and we seek. Another solution is needed. Until that day, we need to be patient, tolerant and educated professional translators and interpreters.
Sometimes even need to speak English English language interpreter for others to understand.Does anyone really understand Cockney rhyming slang? I bet even people who make it on the spot and the people around them just nod and smile and say, "Oh Yar," or feels "innit". Some Americans are also almost impossible to understand, especially from the deep south. The words all seem to run into another in a long drawl and you never know if the breaks could be in the sentence. These are of course the well-known examples of stereotypes. In South Africa there is aMultitude of accents, that the understanding of the English language every day to experience, and take a listen very careful and scrupulous use. Its importance to proceed with caution, if a problem is misunderstanding, because people might talk about the nature and the way they are perceived to be sensitive to their security in this area, and is not very responsive again very quickly.
The English language is fun to talk and those that are not funnynecessarily so a-ha, no. Speak English to recognize that, while English is the language recognized internationally, that does not mean that we expect our right to hear everywhere we go. We must try harder for other languages and employment, and that means that we do not kill, but treat them with the dignity they deserve.
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