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วันเสาร์ที่ 27 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
วันศุกร์ที่ 26 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Mastering Male and Female Body Language Flirting
Learn the signs of Male to Female flirting is one of the best techniques to find out if you are dating scene. For the average guy or girl looking for a date in social situations is one of the most daunting.
Is not life a lot easier if there is a flashing signal on all of our heads that enlightens every time someone was attracted to another person?
The fact is that the flashing lights are present and you can use to your advantage ifOnly know how to spot. What I'm talking about body language flirting signs in men and women.
Female flirting signs
Somehow, male and female is flirting with men harder than women in the field. This is because, in addition to eye contact, body language are all the other male characters discover subtle and difficult to obtain. A man is usually a cursory examination room and make a log of mind that finds attractive. So if a person makes eye contact with you, then this is a greatgreen.
Once you're a man, men and women flirting signs more difficult to detect approaching, but there are. Like women, men try to clean it. This is the form of an accidental brush her hair, smoothing the adjustment of clothing or links, or glasses. People usually also spread her legs and the position of the hand or on a belt or pocket, an unconscious gesture to focus attention on the genital area.
Female flirting signs
Maleand the language of the female body is much easier to identify with women. The first and most obvious sign that a woman attracted to you when you make and maintain eye contact with you. Although it is with a group of friends, laughing and laughing, a good sign. If a girl goes out of his way to appear as an amusing and entertaining, then she is probably trying to inspire.
Another tell-tale body language women's movement, as they did with men, it is clean. If aThe woman is attracted to her unconsciously to start using their hair a bit ', licks his lips, and perhaps align your equipment. This is because he wants to seek the best for you. This is an example of the subconscious body language flirting male and female.
When in close contact, there are two signs of body language to look for a woman. The first is when you lower your voice, so that one up to their slender, creating an intimate space. The second character is movedEyes, between their eyes and lips. This type of body language is an unconscious movement, shows a woman who wants to be kissed.
The knowledge of these body language flirting signs that men and women make life much easier when looking for a date. You can quickly sense that you want to approach them. In addition, male and female flirting body language can be used for potential partners who are attracted to inform them.
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วันพุธที่ 24 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Humor-the funniest article ever written!
I do not know what to call this article, because I did not know what would be the article. This is simply a fact of hack writers with us. Writes, writes!
Anyway, I decided to call it Humor: The funniest article ever written!
The beginning, and I would have changed the title of the article.
But it's not funny, that:
H add a "hug '" "You get Hugh. As the silence" h "is in England, one might think that you" embrace "Get Right Back Again. InEngland is known as Hugh Grant Hug? No!
Add a rebound "and" and you get "hope", but if an "E" a "," you "toe". "E" can be an ah "change" sound "oh" or an "ooh", "as in" you "to" Oh. "Oh, yes! Add an" e "to" travel "and get" tripe "and who wants that?
I like Spanish vowels they behave.
And you can pronounce the word "gross" to "Ruff," the ruhf both pronounced "."
You know what will make your ruhf spelling with ".
"Ruff" is that "strictstarched ruffles, or pleated circular collar of lace, muslin or other fine fabrics for men and women in the 16th and 17th centuries. "
Oh, you play bridge!
I think "should Miss Magic" and "Krause" RUF ". Http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ruff View
Here is a list of the new spelling:
Mississippi Misipee
Utah Utaw (oohtah not say the "U")
South-west of Mexico, North
Italians do not live in Eyetalee. Live in itally! Theye notEYEtalians.
Here's a funny article from http://www.iol.ie/ ~ afifi/BICNews/Fun/fun4.htm is
English is fun!
BICNews, broadcast on October 14, 1997
There is no egg in eggplant or ham in hamburger, neither Apple nor pine in pineapple ... English muffins were not invented in England or French fries in France. Candies are candies, while sweetbreads, which are not sweet, are meat.
We take English for granted. But if we explore itsParadoxes, we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea and is not a pig.
And why is it that writers write but fingers do not catch, grocers do not Groce and hammers do not ham? When the majority of teeth, teeth, why is the plural of booth Beethoven? Goose, 2 geese. So one moose, 2 Meese? One index, two indices? Cheese is the plural of choose to be?
If teachers taught, why did not preacher praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables,What humanitarian eat?
Which language do people recite at a play and play at a recital?
Ship by truck and send cargo by ship? Noses that run and feet smell? Park on driveways and drive on streets?
How can a slim chance and fat chance, may be the same, while a wise man and a wise man are opposites? As the weather can be hot as hell one day and cold as hell another?
When a house burns, it burns up. Fill out a form to it andsound an alarm by pressing.
When the stars are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible. And why, when I took my watch, I start, but when I followed this essay, I end?
(Courtesy of laughter)
Here is a poem, you are to find http://hnewlands.typepad.com/cardboard_spaceship/2005/09/english_as_funn.html
The English language Funny
We begin with a box and the plural is boxes,
But most of steersShould be oxen, ox.
The chicken one is a goose, but two are the geese,
But most of moose should never Meese.
There may be only a mouse or a whole series of mice
But most of the house is houses not hice.
When the majority of people are becoming like men,
Why not the plural of pan be called pen?
When I speak of a foot and you show me your feet,
And I'll give you a boot, would a pair be called beet?
If you are a tooth and a series Teeth
Why not the plural of booth be called Beethoven?
Perhaps these and would be three,
But the majority did not have pipe
And the plural of cats and cat things.
We speak of a brother and also of brethren,
Methren But if we say mother, we never say.
Then the masculine pronouns are he and his
But they represent the feminine, shis and thickness.
So English, I think we all agree,
Is the funniest>language you ever did see.
Well, I guess I'll keep the title!
The End
Taylor Jones, the Hack Writer
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วันอังคารที่ 23 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Flirting - Body Language Skills to Master
Image : http://www.flickr.com
Some people think that the ability to flirt or something you have or not. The art of flirting can be mastered by anyone. It just takes practice if you are willing to put in this effort. All the others have learned the art of flirting, but there are some basic skills of language to control the body, which may help you find within flirt.
The first thing you need to know is that flirting can be done by each. Does not matter if they are not traditionallyhandsome or beautiful. People are the qualities that are unique, you are attracted. Before you start to flirt successfully with the understanding itself. Learn more about his qualities and learn to use them, flirting is essentially an art of quiet confidence.
How do you persuade others to recognize you're the kind of person you want to spend time? Non-verbal communication is the key. A good starting point to learn the art of flirting is to focus onHis eyes (not literally, I might add!) You know the times when you take a room and suddenly the view from someone and take him for a moment? What's it about you that attracted your attention? There are many different levels at which you can send your interest, only for different species from you. Flirting can take different points of view. Eye contact, in hand, breaks it for a few seconds and then is so interesting, one of the basic methods ofFlirting, but extremely effective. This gives you quick flirt with them are concerned and you can tell from their response if they share your interest. More aggressive flirting is done by specifying the subject of flirting with a look that says, I'm thinking of you the dirty things. A long look, a glance up and down his body, perhaps a glance, their primal instincts satisfied.
Eye contact is obviously essential, but must be used, together withother forms of body language. It should be noted, are open to communication by learning how to properly use your body in relation to their position. Flirting is a combination of ability to read signals, while revealing his intentions. Learning to do a lot of flirting is fun, and your confidence will increase rapidly in all areas of your life.
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วันเสาร์ที่ 20 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
English is a Funny language
There are not enough people so arrogant as to persons for whom English is their native language. This is not a reference to people from England or the United Kingdom, at least not exclusively. This applies to all people of native English speakers around the world, the United States, Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, expats and tourists around the world are all SOB. Just ask anyone who do not speak English as their first language. A tourist says, the English language, is weeks in the travel industryterrible conditions, rain, wind, snow flurries alternating with heat, so that ends so badly, you begin to vomit, their internal organs. Yet continue to persevere without complaint, until you can reach the ends of the earth and a village. But it should be noted that not a single person in this village speak English you think the world would come to an end would be. "What do not you think that you speak English?" They will cry, scream, because the increaseProbability of understanding, we all know. "English is the international language of communication, everyone knows at least a little 'of English." This is accompanied by some gestures emphatic and vague, but some may vomit, but will not be able to forward the message to his aid. "For (the content has been censored) well, I just went and landed in the censored () Hole In The World." And the villagers affected and help visitors learn from and somePidgeon English, and is the basic communication and tourists will be happy, because he or she has brought the ignorant masses.
Then there are English speakers to take pride in their language skills and any prospect of being killed, as many languages as possible. Your assumption is that they can speak a foreign language much better than the foreigners will be able to speak English. As a foreigner, of course, struggling withall foreigners. This is a strange kind of logic, but it makes sense for them. This is a special kind of arrogance. Do not want to meet all their standards. Rather, I am of opinion that lead to save the embarrassment of her, even trying to, and so in their infinite superiority are responsible downstairs, and communication in other languages. E 'as charity work, the unpleasant, but you have to do it.
So, what to do withthese arrogant as English as mother tongue? Cyanides. I hope not, as some of us will try to swim in progress. We are not perfect and often get caught and pulled back with the other. But it is not our fault that English is inherently snobbish, and we seek. Another solution is needed. Until that day, we need to be patient, tolerant and educated professional translators and interpreters.
Sometimes even need to speak English English language interpreter for others to understand.Does anyone really understand Cockney rhyming slang? I bet even people who make it on the spot and the people around them just nod and smile and say, "Oh Yar," or feels "innit". Some Americans are also almost impossible to understand, especially from the deep south. The words all seem to run into another in a long drawl and you never know if the breaks could be in the sentence. These are of course the well-known examples of stereotypes. In South Africa there is aMultitude of accents, that the understanding of the English language every day to experience, and take a listen very careful and scrupulous use. Its importance to proceed with caution, if a problem is misunderstanding, because people might talk about the nature and the way they are perceived to be sensitive to their security in this area, and is not very responsive again very quickly.
The English language is fun to talk and those that are not funnynecessarily so a-ha, no. Speak English to recognize that, while English is the language recognized internationally, that does not mean that we expect our right to hear everywhere we go. We must try harder for other languages and employment, and that means that we do not kill, but treat them with the dignity they deserve.
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4 tips to be Cocky and Funny
Tip # 1 - no fun is not only arrogant and tell you what it is like you said.
Their body language and tone is crucial, even more than the words he says.
For example, while in a coffee
Waitress: "Guys, here alright"
Me: "Yes, we're going to get a coffee"
Maid (played, as they say, and think that I have already ordered) "All right, well"
Me: (just joking) "How rude! Geeeez.
Waitress: (startsto apologize and ask if I, as an angry customer)
Me: (smiling, not like crazy, but who know the game)
Waitress: "Sorry ... I thought it was ..."
Me: "No, no excuse ... I do not think you can ignore me ... that is terrible customer service ... your suggestion is out the window"
The point of fact is that this example does not make sense, if not the right way.
Tip # 2 - Use the right amount of arrogance.
If you have to do --Arrogance, the amount of girls who wear, very light, if at all. Women are losing appeal because it can be seen as too arrogant or extremely funny too.
Tip # 3 - jokingly
Make sure that the playful atmosphere that about you, and you do not appear to arrogant.Approach casual conversation and interaction, do not want to stop too serious.
Tip # 4 - Be sure to be attractive in different ways
Use your body language andthe way we talk (tone) is effective as an impudent one amusing line of a very nervous boy often resulted in an indifferent women.
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วันศุกร์ที่ 19 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Love Language Part 1 - Words of affirmation
Image : http://www.flickr.com
Verbal praise and words of affirmation, are powerful communicators of love. They are best expressed in simple, clear statements of claim, such as:
"You Look Sharp in that dress."
"Did you ever look nice with the dress! Wow!"
"They have the best cook potatoes in the world. I love these potatoes."
"I appreciate the dishes tonight."
"Thanks for the babysitter lined up for tomorrow night. I want you to know that I am notwe take for granted. "
"I realize that you're out the garbage."
What would happen to the emotional climate of a marriage if the husband or wife heard those words of affirmation regularly?
In every language there are many dialects. Below you will find some, but ultimately you have to understand the dialect spouse.
Verbal compliments: you read
Encouraging words
The word means encouraging "To inspire courage. Infuse your spouse with encouraging words in the areas of uncertainty.
Kind words: love is kind. So if you want to communicate love in words, we need words. This is due to the way we do not speak. The same phrase can have two different meanings, depending on the mean, as you insert it.
Humble words: Love makes requests, not demands. On our way to express these desires is of the utmost importance. When we make our needs known as applications, weConsulting, not ultimatums.
If the language of your spouse's love for words to say:
To remember that "The words of affirmation" the language of your spouse's primary love, the following 3x5 print on paper and put it on a mirror every day or at another place where you can see:
Words are important!
Words are important!
Words are important!
Hold for a week, a written record of all words of affirmation you give your spouseevery day. At the end of the week, that is to share your spouse, and check your registration.
Monday, 'I said:
"You did a great job on this meal."
"It really looks nice in that dress."
"I really appreciate collect the laundry."
On Tuesday, I said ...
Set a target to give your spouse a compliment different every day for a month. If "an apple a day keeps the doctor away", perhaps even a compliment, give away one day of the consultant. You can record these complimentsIn addition, so who are not with the statements.
As you read the newspapers, magazines and books or watching TV or listening to the radio, look for words of affirmation, use it. Observe people in conversation. Write the statement by saying in a notebook. (If cartoons, clip and paste it into your notebook.) Read these at regular intervals, and select those that you can contact us with your wife. If you note the date on which you are. Your notebook can be your loveBook. I remember that words are important!
Write a love letter, a love that paragraph, phrase, or a love for your partner, and give it quietly or with fanfare! (It is likely that, if he dies, you will find your love letter hidden in some place.) Words are important!
Compliment the spouse in the presence of his parents or friends. You will get to double credit to: Your spouse will feel loved and parents feel happy to have a great son-in-law or daughter-in-law.
Search yourStrengths of the spouse and tell them how much I appreciate these strengths. Chances are, you will work hard to live up to reputation.
Tell your children how great father of their mother. Do this behind your spouse, and in his presence.
Write a poem that describes how you feel about your husband. If you're not a poet, select a card to express how you feel. Highlight specific words and add a couple of his end.
If you find talking about "Words of affirmation" isdifficult for you in practice in front of a mirror. Use a cue card, if necessary, and remember, words are important.
(Please also read the book "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman)
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Joe Vento wins his "anti-Italian" accent case
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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Insane Funny English Language Class Show
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วันพุธที่ 17 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553
Language Fail
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The language of the Appalachians
I am very surprised while in Jamaica a few years ago and was told that I, yes, an accent. You see, like my paternal grandmother, I do not stretch the word "corn bread" into four syllables. You might say: "Here. Do you have any co-Orn-Bray-Ed," and I would say: "You want some 'corn-bread?" You see? Two syllables on the cornbread, "you" instead of "her".
Unlike my maternal grandmother, I say 'Carrion, rather than "kyarn." In fact, I had no idea what he was talkinguntil recently, when I mentioned the word to my husband. I said, "My grandmother used to say:" What smell kyarn. "I never understood what" kyarn 'was. "He said," Kill Road. "My mouth." You mean, carrion? Carcass Kyarn is? "" Yes, "he said." Put the Appalachian accent on it. "It makes no sense.
Unlike my mother-in-law, I say "fought," and not "suitable".
So I came that I have no accent. Finally, I'm fairly well trained. I studied French for three years, and ISome self-study German and Greek. I am also well read, and I wrote some books. Not me the berries? I was unable to find a hillbilly, Appalachian accent. And yet, in Jamaica, I met all asked, "What part of the South are you from?"
So, I did a little research and learned that the Appalachian region has its own language. Linguists call it "Appalachian English." The Scots, Irish settled throughout the Appalachian region (all of West Virginia and parts of the knownVirginia, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee and Georgia) in mid 1700. At that time, physical boundaries kept out of modernization. Then in 1940 created the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, which has brought tourists to the area. Since 1950, highways and telephones were more common in the Appalachians, bringing the modern world, another step towards the rural population.
Now I do not think you think that in Appalachia are a group of snobs. Werecognize that these migrants were settled here land elsewhere, but the linguists tell us that our way of speaking they are not in another dialect, to the extent that they are in the Appalachian Mountains. In addition, we use changes in the way we speak of the Appalachians. Just because I do not use the same words of my grandmother, does not mean that I do not have an Appalachian accent. In fact, linguists say that each region has its own way of speaking and that most of us accept that ourTo control the situation, our language. For example, when I talk with my family, I am responsible for the triplet left a bit '- use a little' more Appalachian English and a little 'less standard American English. In a formal situation, I will take up a lot less Appalachian English. Even though I know from personal experience that most Appalachians are not "dumb Hillbillies," I fear that the other me as if I have the language that I could see, of course, use. And yet, some phonologicalThe differences are so inbred that I can use.
Did you know that sleep t the end of the non-silent? You might say: "I slept in this morning." I would say: 'I Slep in. "For me it is only' t 'is incorrect. Reminds me of an episode of "All in the Family" where Edith met a jew and the baker called "Change." She said: "My name is Edith! Do!" So he called her "Edit-you." Would be for me, "Slep-t" is simply embarrassing.
You said "exactly" or "exackly? AndHow about ten? I have also heard, "ten" with a sound brief and - as in the word "bed". How strange is it? Tin and ten are words with exack "sound the same but have different meanings.
Linguists also point out some differences in lexical Appalachian English. For example, the standard American English word might be faucet, but the Appalachian English version would tap. If someone looks bad, you could say that has reached "(Peek-DE) Group. You have the wrong finger?" Then weyou could say "burnt down". I once knew a man who "substitute" for "there". He said: "I have to go in the store, because I'm out of milk." My brother would replace the rest of our family with the word "Nim". I asked, "But Mama and nim go to the store?" Some people say "knowed instead of" knew "." We apologize for our famous double negative. "I have nothing like that." Our present perfect is a growing skepticism. "He has done that, now!"
This little excursionin my Appalachian heritage has given me new insights. You could cut some of our "buildings," one might expect, "" and not "estimate", at times, and we could do the judges with exotic names such as "Lick Skillet," "Frog Holler" and "Sugar" but we have a rich history. We know where to go and come in many cases where we are. And if anyone thinks we're a bunch of ignorant Hillbillies, then you should come to know us a little 'better. If you stay long enough, weable to teach you to speak correctly.
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